Canna Collection


Get 1 package each of all 5 canna listed below for just $50.75 and save over 20%! Collection includes 1 each of: Bengal Tiger, Cleopatra, Red Velvet, Richard Wallace and Robert Kemp.

Cannas are an easy to grow, low maintenance plant that offer a beautiful show of color all summer. Plant after danger of hard frost has passed in well-draining soil and full sun (minimum of 4 hours direct sunlight). They are hardy in zones 7 through 11. Plant canna roots 12-18 inches apart, covering with two inches of soil. Place the long part of the root horizontally in the ground with the eye up, if visible. Plant in loose, fertile and well-drained soil. For customers living in zones 2 through 6, there are two way to enjoy tropical cannas in your own garden; you can treat them as an annual and enjoy their beauty for a single season, or you can dig up the roots in the fall and replant them every spring.

49 in stock

Bengal Tiger Canna


103 in stock

Cleopatra Canna


57 in stock

Red Velvet Canna


177 in stock

Richard Wallace Canna


51 in stock

Robert Kemp Canna


131 in stock

Get 1 package each of all 5 canna listed below for just $50.75 and save over 20%! Collection includes 1 each of: Bengal Tiger, Cleopatra, Red Velvet, Richard Wallace and Robert Kemp.

Cannas are an easy to grow, low maintenance plant that offer a beautiful show of color all summer. Plant after danger of hard frost has passed in well-draining soil and full sun (minimum of 4 hours direct sunlight). They are hardy in zones 7 through 11. Plant canna roots 12-18 inches apart, covering with two inches of soil. Place the long part of the root horizontally in the ground with the eye up, if visible. Plant in loose, fertile and well-drained soil. For customers living in zones 2 through 6, there are two way to enjoy tropical cannas in your own garden; you can treat them as an annual and enjoy their beauty for a single season, or you can dig up the roots in the fall and replant them every spring.

Blooming Time




Growth Rate

Hardiness Zones

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Sun Exposure


Water Needs

When to plant

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