Orange Gnome Maltese Cross


LYCHNIS a. ‘Orange Gnome’. 12-15″ tall, 12″ spread, full sun, early-midsummer bloom. Intense orange-scarlet 1 ½” flowers are produced in abundance. Stunning foliage has a purplish-bronze cast over the naturally dark green leaves. After flowering, swollen seed pods provide additional interest to extend the season. Attracts hummingbirds. Zones 3-9. Potted in 3″ pot.

295 in stock

It is essential to provide proper sitting for this perennial. Plant it in full sun and moist, well-drained soil to avoid potential disease issues. Early in the season, pinch these plants back to encourage a more compact habit. Lychnis tends to be a short-lived perennial, but it will self-seed.

Garden Style:
Cottage, Eclectic
Other Features:
Border Plant, Cut Flower, Edging, Small

Plant Height 13-24 in
Blooming Time





Growth Rate

Hardiness Zones

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Sun Exposure


Water Needs


When to plant