Tractor Seat Goldenray


Perennial Tractor Seat Goldenray – LIGULARIA ‘Tractor Seat’ PPAF. 3 ½’ tall, 4 ½’ spread, part shade, midsummer bloom. Deep green leaves are massive reaching 16″ across at maturity. A serrated margin surrounds each dissected leaf for a standout foliage presence. Golden yellow flowers have long petals. Best performance in morning sun or filtered shade; flowering will be diminished in deep shade. Attracts butterflies and is bee friendly. Deer resistant. Zones 4-9. Potted in 3″ pot.

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Ligularias are at their best when grown in cool, moist locations in part shade. Protection from the hot, afternoon sun in the south is essential to prevent wilting. They are a natural for the pond side where there is a constant supply of moisture, though they do require good drainage.

Garden Style:
Patio Container, Eclectic, Rain Garden, Woodland Shade
Other Features:
Bog Plant, Border Plant, Cut Foliage, Mass Planting, Specimen, Focal Point

Plant Height 37-48 in
Blooming Time




Growth Rate

Hardiness Zones

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Sun Exposure


Water Needs

When to plant


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