Savannah Ruby Grass


MELINIS nerviglumis ‘Savannah’. 1 ½’-2′ tall, 9-12″ spread, full sun. A showy grass that forms small clumps of blue-green foliage that turns red in the fall. 3-4″ long fluffy plumes of ruby pink flowers slowly fade to creamy white. The blooms carry well into fall and can be used for fresh or dried flowers. Deer resistant. Hardy in zones 8-10, annual everywhere else. Potted in 3″ pot.

97 in stock

EAN: 821646000083 SKU: G-SAVA Categories: , , , , Tags: ,

Plant in well-drained location. Once established it requires only very little attention. Cut back in early spring 3-4″ above the ground.

Garden Style:
Cottage, Eclectic, Prairie, Rock Garden
Other Uses:
Border Plant, Edging, Attractive Foliage, Mass Planting, Specimen, Focal Point

Plant Height 13-24 in
Blooming Time





Growth Rate

Hardiness Zones

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Sun Exposure


Water Needs


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