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Make Your Garden Magnificent With Mums

Make Your Garden Magnificent With Mums

As the glory of the summer begins to fade, nothing extends color in our fall gardens better than big, bold bursts of colorful chrysanthemums.

These plants have been around for a very long time, but you probably wouldn’t see any resemblance between their small, yellow, daisy-like flowers and the blooms of today. Hybridizers have designed an incredible array of sizes, colors and forms, from huge corsage-sized mums to button-sized, all in dazzling colors.

Much like the new fall fashions, each year Gilbert H. Wild and Son roll-out the newest line of exciting chrysanthemums for eager gardeners to try. While they have many mum varieties in traditional fall colors like ‘Matchstick,’ ‘Cheerleader,’ and ‘Maroon Pride,’ why not spice up your garden’s wardrobe with some chic new varieties?

Although the flower of the chrysanthemum looks like a single bloom, it’s actually made up of hundreds of flowers called florets. One of the most amazing transformations in new varieties of mums is the evolving style of the florets. Currently there are 13 types of bloom forms, including pompon, decorative, single, semi-double, anemone, quill, spider and spoon. Each expresses its own personality and adds a different look to your garden’s design. I have found that the single-petaled blooming varieties are better for my garden, while the pompom style flowers are more suited for arrangements. No matter where you use them, there is a chrysanthemum for everyone!

Along with these flower shapes, hybridizers have developed a wide range of colors. You can find mums in various shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, bronze, orange and white. Some varieties have different colors between the florets; others are bi-colored on the face and reversed side.

With choices like these, you’ll want to keep your mums blooming for as long as possible. One thing you should know about mums is that, depending on the variety, they flower at different times, from early to late fall. By selecting a combination of early, mid- and late-season bloomers, you can enjoy months of colorful displays.

Potted or Planted?

Another great characteristic of chrysanthemums is that they are so versatile. Some gardeners prefer to plant chrysanthemums in flowerbeds in the spring and grow them as perennials. If you choose to grow chrysanthemums as perennials, plant them in full sun and well-drained soil. As they develop, their summer foliage is bright green and grows quietly, letting summer flowers take center stage. Then, in autumn, the buds pop open in glorious hues and add their magic to fall borders.

Other gardeners, especially those with smaller spaces, prefer to buy potted plants in late summer and drop them into borders just before they flower. Either way, their bright color and round, soft flower heads are a nice contrast in texture and shape to sharp-bladed ornamental grasses and tall spiky blooms like salvia.


How to Choose and Care for Mums:

  • Select disease-free plants with healthy, green foliage.
  • To extend bloom time, pick plants with tight buds rather than opened flowers. More buds mean more flowers.
  • To identify flower color and form, check the plant tag or ask nursery staff.
  • Keep mums well watered. Potted mums dry out quickly and, if under watered, produce malformed flowers. For borders, water frequently the first 2 weeks until established.

No matter which variety you choose, or which way you choose to grow them, mums are a must have in late summer/fall sun gardens. Check out some of my personal favorites from Gilbert H. Wild and Son’s collection to start planning your enjoyment for next year!